[獨立音樂訊] 充滿力量的美聲英倫團 London Grammar- Truth Is a Beautiful Thing

2013年用一首 Wasting My Young Years 單曲,進到全英單曲排行榜年度31的英倫獨立流行樂團 London Grammar 至今成軍四年,用聲樂與吉他在社群網路間不斷吸引期望優美旋律的粉絲,也不斷被邀請到 The xx 和 Disclosure 等大團同台,在短短幾年內已經在歐洲擁有一定的知名度 。

London Grammar 的作品環繞著女主唱 Hannah Reid 成熟渾厚的聲樂穿透閱聽者的聽覺,而他們的故事和許多樂團一樣,都是從校園出發,為了擺脫無聊的大學生活,擁抱音樂。2009年成軍,當時的 Hannah Reid 還只有大一,因為現在的團長也就是吉他手學長 Dan Rothman 交換了臉書而開始。

從在學校練團表演到每個禮拜從諾丁漢大學開車到倫敦表演,直到2012年底的某一天突然決定要把自己的歌放上Youtube ,沒想到馬上受到大家注意,並很快就到達一百萬點閱,並且在隔年開始發行單曲,一張張進到全英排行榜和澳洲 iTunes 榜,開始廣受認識。

“a blend of ambient, ethereal and classical sounds” 從 2013 年以後,越來越多的樂評注意到 London Grammar ,並且時常將主唱 Hannah Reid 的聲音拿來和 Florence 比較,但我認為 Hannah 真假音轉換的時候更迷人,尤其在 2017 年最新單曲 Truth Is a Beautiful Thing 更像是完全為了凸顯她高亢又轉換流暢的高音聲線而編曲,讓配樂的旋律變得更單純,留下更多的空間讓流轉的歌聲縈繞。

第一次聽到 Truth Is a Beautiful Thing 時是在山上慢跑的時候,在濁水溪與山谷之間,流雲和溪水好像都慢了下來,美麗的聲音與歌詞,瞬間理解英國媒體對她歌聲的評論為什麼會以 "powlful and beautiful" 簡單而清楚。

Miles and miles on my own
Warm with shame, I follow on
A language to find hard to hear
Not to understand, just disappear

To hold your heart, to hold your hand
Would be to me, the greatest thing
To hold your heart, hold your hand
Would be to me, the bravest thing

Could you take my place and stand here?
I do not think you would take this pain
You'd be on your knees and struggle under the weight
Oh, the truth would be a beautiful thing
Oh, the truth is a beautiful thing

I wear another thought of you
With so much harm my gift to you
Hide you somewhere they don't know
Deep in my core you know you have a throne

Hold your heart, hold your hand
Would be to me, the greatest thing
To hold your heart, to hold your hand
Would be to me, the bravest thing

Could you take my place and stand here?
I do not think you would take this pain
You'd be on your knees and struggle under the weight
Oh, the truth would be a beautiful thing
Oh, the truth is a beautiful thing
