[獨立音樂訊] 看完Warm Bodies。就讓人瘋狂愛上的歌曲Delta Spirit-Yamaha

  看完 Warm Bodies以後,旋入腦海裡的音樂就至此揮之不去,「I hope you know I care 」,一句又一句來自Delta Spirit 充滿穿透力的聲音讓人進入死去靈魂的心靈之中,彷彿亡者的心跳再次跳動。

  這是來自一部有點莫名其妙的電影Warm Bodies(殭屍哪有這麼帥),但是讓這首歌穿插其中實在讓人過分感動。

  聽到男主角吃掉了自己男朋友的真相以後,Julie 轉頭離開他。面對Julie 的不諒解,R沒有什麼辦法可以解釋,畢竟他是個天生吃人的殭屍,但他正在改變,他希望Julie 能夠知道他的想法,僅管他既冰冷又嗜血。

  But, I hope you know I care, I hope you know I care.

  Delta Spirit主唱Matthew Vasquez 的歌聲一直都很有穿透力,這也是根源爵士的Vocal必備的基本能力,這是一種來自北美草原的遼闊音樂格局,配合著簡單的Bass 就有十足的情境從音響中滿溢,在混搭White noise 的音訊進入腦海之中,就像乘上吹自山巒的風。

  這是一種讓人難以忘懷的迷人曲風。Delta Spirit 很成功的繼承了北美洲的動人旋律。

  Delta Spirit 三角靈魂樂團並非新團,而是來自一個沒落的情緒搖滾樂團 (Emo) Noise Ratchet,他們在2003年決定宣布解散之後由團長重新成軍,但是要存活在各路樂團崛起的21世紀,是無法再用Emo 的風格吸引樂迷的,所以他們決定將Punk 結合 Root Jazz 重新整軍,組成Delta Spirit 三角靈魂樂團,並在2006年發新全新EP《I Think I've Found It》,開起全新的音樂之路。當然,來自九零年代晚期Emo老團傳統的 Delta Spirit 依然無法脫離那個同志與龐客對社會進行批判解構的pure Punk spirit 時代,延續硬蕊的音樂風格讓來自黑人藍調的 Root Jazz 產生了奇妙的化學反應,於是,一種帶有鄉村乾草氣味的都市搖滾音樂就此出現,而這樣的獨特曲風反而讓他們更為迷人。

  Delta Spirit-Yamaha,我想就算是不愛音樂的人都能夠很輕鬆的欣賞他,當然,若是有機會也別忘了把Warm Bodies(殭屍哪有這麼帥)這部電影也看過,我個人覺得是一部滿不錯的愛情小品(?)

There's certain things in life you cannot change
There's certain things I hope you know I care


Delta Spirit-Yamaha

作詞:D.S. 作曲:D.S.

So cold, I know you can't believe it
Sometimes you gotta face the feelin'
And if you don't care if you get up again
There's a thousand things I will not understand
Now you're dealin' with the hell I put you through
If I had my way I would be right there next to you
There's certain things in life you cannot change
There's certain things

I hope you know I care

I've been alone too many nights
Too proud to tell you when you're right
A little patience would have helped me then
A lot like the break has been the common standard
All the angels above the earth I prayed
Sent this message right into her head
There's certain things in life I cannot take
And I will wait

I hope you know I care
I hope you know I care

(I hope you know I care)
So cold, I know you can't believe it
Sometimes you gotta face the feelin'
You don't care if you get up again
There's a thousand things I will not understand
(I hope you know I care)
Now you're dealin' with the hell I put you through
If I had my way I would be right there next to you
There's certain things in life you cannot change
There's certain things

